Accurately evaluates properties accurately

Get an accurate valuation of your properties in less than 3 minutes with our advanced real estate valuation method.
Valuations performed
Valuation reports created

Performs fast and accurate assessments

Perform accurate valuations in less than 3 minutes using our advanced real estate valuation method. Our tool allows you to evaluate a wide range of properties, including homes, commercial properties and industrial buildings, guaranteeing accuracy and total confidence for your clients.

Get the most accurate valuation in the market

Our accurate real estate valuation is completed in less than 3 minutes, using actual sales and listing prices. Choose from real sales and listing witnesses to ensure accuracy and speed.

Customized real estate valuation reports

Customize your real estate valuation report by adding your logo, photo and styles. Add your contact details and personalized comments, adjusting the order of the modules to suit the needs of each client.
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Create your own customized web browser

Develop a web-based rating engine with your corporate image, similar to Lystos, and use it on your website, social media, business cards and more. Reinforce your brand while providing accurate and professional ratings.
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How to value a property?

Enter the address you want to evaluate
Fill in with your characteristics
Select Actual and Ad Sales Witnesses
Adjust your report and share it

We have the plan you need

We have special rates if you buy more than 1 license
Lystos Agency
Lystos Agency
To recruit, evaluate, manage teams, portfolio and customers.
Lystos Premium
Lystos Premium
To find investment opportunities, market analysis.
+ Lystos Agency
Lystos Enterprise
Let's talk
Lystos Enterprise
To handle advanced real estate data
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Ads with address suggestion
Vacation rentals analyzed each month
Spanish cadastre data

+79 million of real estate data constantly updated

We gather information from public and private sources to develop 190 financial and urban indicators.