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All real estate data for Spain in one place

We offer solutions for a wide range of profiles interested in the real estate sector.
Real estate agencies
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Real estate investments
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Real estate data and analysis
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Ads with address suggestion
Vacation rentals analyzed each month
Data from Spain's cadastre
Investment opportunities encountered

Real estate agencies

Boost your real estate agency: from recruitment to management, everything you need to succeed.
Accurate valuations
The most accurate valuations with actual sales witnesses.
Manage your team
Manage KPIs and monitor your team's performance effectively.
Captures with directional suggestions in advertisements
Advertisements published on all portals with suggested addresses.

Real estate investments

Explore the best real estate investment opportunities throughout Spain. Analyze the market, discover attractive yields and find unique properties.
Announcement vs. closing prices
Compare advertised prices with actual closing prices.
Invest without geographical limits
Real estate opportunities throughout Spain, without restrictions.
Customized investment strategies and returns
Filter by profitability and strategy: rental, renovation and quick sale.

Real estate market analysis and data

Explore and analyze with our advanced tools any location in Spain and make informed real estate decisions.
+79 million data updated
A complete and updated view of the Spanish real estate market.
Integration of real estate data into your current workflow
Easy integration of bulk data into your workflow.
Granular data
It links ads with their exact address, real sales, land registry and vacation rentals.
Graph Dashboard
Adapt your metrics and review them from your dashboard.

We have the plan you need

We have special rates if you buy more than 1 license
Lystos Agency
Lystos Agency
To recruit, evaluate, manage teams, portfolio and customers.
Lystos Premium
Lystos Premium
To find investment opportunities, market analysis.
+ Lystos Agency
Lystos Enterprise
Let's talk
Lystos Enterprise
To handle advanced real estate data
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Our products

Find out what you can do on Lystos regardless of your profile.