The largest database of real estate ads with address suggestions

Find all real estate portal ads in one place, from homes to premises and warehouses, both for sale and for rent.
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Optimize your real estate acquisitions

Maximize your real estate leads using Explora, which gives you access to over +10,000,000 weekly listings from all real estate portals. Stay ahead with immediate alerts on your WhatsApp, being the first to contact potential clients for homes and premises.

Precise navigation with suggested directions

Facilitate the acquisition of real estate clients by navigating between ads with suggested addresses. This critical detail allows you to more effectively target and deepen your knowledge of the areas of interest.
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Immediate alerts on your WhatsApp to be the first to know

Set up immediate alerts on your WhatsApp to receive news of any area instantly, faster than on platforms such as Idealista, thus optimizing your online real estate recruitment.
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Unlimited access to private ads

Access without geographical limits to all the ads from individuals in real estate portals. Explore properties for sale and for rent, from homes to commercial properties and warehouses.

Advanced tools for effective recruitment

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We have the plan you need

We have special rates if you buy more than 1 license
To recruit, evaluate, manage teams, portfolio and customers.
To find investment opportunities, market analysis.
+ Lystos Agency
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To handle advanced real estate data
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+79 million real estate data constantly updated

We gather information from public and private sources to develop 190 financial and urban indicators.
Ads with address suggestion
Vacation rentals analyzed each month
Data from Spain's cadastre