The largest database of real estate ads with address suggestions
Find all real estate portal ads in one place, from homes to premises and warehouses, both for sale and for rent.
WhatsApp alerts
No geographical limits
Advanced filters
Ads with suggested address
Chrome Extension
Announcements updated immediately
Individual advertisements
No geographical limits

Immediate alerts on your WhatsApp to be the first to know

Receive immediate alerts directly on your WhatsApp, the application you already use every day, without downloads or installations; to be the first to contact individuals and gain an advantage in recruitment.

Access to ads from all over the country with no geographical limits

Access without geographical limits to all the ads from individuals in real estate portals in your country. Explore properties for sale and for rent, from homes to commercial properties and warehouses.

Ads with the information you need to better engage your customers

Browse through the listings with information on price increases and decreases, time on the market, the agencies that market it, and address suggestions even if it is hidden.

Advanced search filters

Find specific properties with advanced filters: individuals, banks, agencies, property types or investment strategy (available in Spain). Filter by unique conditions such as auctions, squatters, freehold or tourist licenses.

WhatsApp templates to send to your customers

Create WhatsApp message templates with the names of owners and advertisements. Use Lystos AI to generate them automatically, saving time and improving your efficiency.

Interactive recruitment reports

Generate customized reports and window cards to impress your customers. Present clear, professional information in interactive formats or branded PDFs, with customized URLs using your domain, such as "www.theagency.valuation" instead of "www.lystos.valuation".
The best tools for recruitment
Chrome Extension: The first recruitment tool integrated into your favorite portal.
Learn more ->
Web Valuator: Attract customers with free reviews on your website.
Learn more ->
Special rate if you buy more than 1 license
Grow your real estate business in Spain, Italy or Portugal.
Start exploring plans designed specifically for each local market today.
Lystos Spain
From 79 €/month
Explore all the functionalities adapted to the local market in Spain
Lystos Italy
7 days free
Explore all the features tailored to the local Italian market
Lystos Portugal
7 days free
Explore all the functionalities adapted to the local market in Portugal
Explore pricing for your market
The ultimate tool to capture more properties
Carolina Lopez
Real Estate Agent
"Thanks to Lystos' WhatsApp alerts, I am now the first to contact potential clients. Accurate, real-time information has transformed the way I engage properties."
Pedro Martins
Real Estate Consultant
"The advanced search filters and interactive reports have helped me customize my recruitment strategy, closing more deals in less time."
Giulia Bianchi
Real Estate Personal Shopper
"With Lystos, I can send customized WhatsApp templates to my clients and organize properties into clear collections. It's the tool I needed to stand out in this competitive market."
Frequently Asked Questions
How does Lystos help me capture properties ahead of the competition?
What differentiates Lystos from other recruitment tools?
How do Lystos advanced catchment filters work?
Can I capture properties from my favorite real estate portal?
What kind of data can I get in the ads?
How do I customize the URLs of the links I share with my customers?
What are the benefits of using Lystos for my recruitment strategy?
Do I need to download additional software to use Lystos?
What kind of properties can I capture with Lystos?
How do I use reports and valuators to attract customers?
Everything you need to optimize your real estate business.
Request a call and find out how we can transform your business.
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