Publication with 1 click

Publish your ads with 1 click

Publish your properties simultaneously in the main real estate portals in Spain.
On all portals
With 1 click
Buyer management

Publish without leaving Lystos

Take advantage of our automated publishing feature to publish simultaneously on the main portals in Spain. Efficiently prioritize, sort and manage your purchase requests. Perform all tasks, from recruitment to publishing, efficiently.

Publish with 1 click on the main real estate portals in Spain.

Manage your properties efficiently and publish real estate listings automatically, using advanced artificial intelligence tools to generate detailed and attractive descriptions.

Invest your time in the best buyers

Our artificial intelligence ranks and prioritizes customers interested in your ad, allowing you to spend more time with the most promising buyers.

Manage your ad once published

Know how your ad is performing, make changes to improve its effectiveness and update automatically on all portals.

The 1-click publication can help you if...

You are an agent
You are an agency
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We have the plan you need

We have special rates if you buy more than 1 license
To recruit, evaluate, manage teams, portfolio and customers.
To find investment opportunities, market analysis.
+ Lystos Agency
Let's talk
To handle advanced real estate data
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