Suggested Addresses

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No more uncertainty about ad locations thanks to Lystos.
of precision in the locations
Addresses found

The only tool that offers suggested ad placements

Using Artificial Intelligence, our address locator suggests locations on the map of the ad you are analyzing. These addresses allow us to find the ad's equivalents in the cadastre and its actual sales.

Arrive at the first contact well informed

Before contacting the advertiser, get complete details about the location to start the conversation with knowledge.

Everything you need in one place

Find directions without switching tabs. Lystos offers address suggestions, integrating maps and ads for a seamless experience.
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Suggested Ad Addresses

Receive alerts of new listings with suggested locations, facilitating your research and decision making.
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How to find the right address?

Click on an ad
Find the suggested address in the side panel
Verify locations on the map and compare with images
Select the correct address and add it to your workspace.

The suggested directions in the ads can help you if you...

You are an agent
You are an agency
You are a buyer
You are a Personal Shopper
You are an investor
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We have the plan you need

We have special rates if you buy more than 1 license
To recruit, evaluate, manage teams, portfolio and customers.
To find investment opportunities, market analysis.
+ Lystos Agency
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To handle advanced real estate data
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